Wednesday, October 15, 2014

What does cancer mean to you?

I asked this question to friends on facebook to see what the response would be. For me, cancer was a scary word going back quite a long way. While I did not have a thorough understanding of the disease, I did know that many people have had cancer, died of cancer or have yet to be diagnosed with cancer.

It was like a monster hiding behind the trees in a forest waiting to jump out at innocent people of all ages. It tries as hard as it can to strangle the energy, the hope, and the life from these people.
Cancer is still far too successful to be taken lightly.

This is what others had to say:

Kitty: "It has no rhyme or reason and strikes without warning. It doesn't discriminate between social or economic classes regardless of faith or the lack of it. It brings everyone into the shadow of the valley of death. It builds incredible courage from living with a life-threatening illness. It teaches us to appreciate and live in the present moment, because there is no certainty or reality other than now."

Wendy: "scared, worried then thankful for another day, live life to the fullest...I'm 8 years a cancer survivor...."

Gwen: "Fight."

Thomas: "Loss and sadness unfortunately."

Diana: "We call it the Devils Disease!"

Ronnie: "To be absent from the body, is to be home with the Lord." Then he added: "Cancer scares me because it is a slow, horrible way to die. Death does not scare me. Living with the pain, the uncertainty and being diseased for a prolonged period does frighten me."

Debra: "Sadness ...depression. ..I am breast cancer survivor so I know about the worries ...."

Jessie: "There is a cure. Cancer is a demon working with death. But He is defeated. Because Jesus won the victory. So all you need to do is cast it from your life. If you believe Jesus is your Lord and savior and believe HE has all power over the devil then you are qualified to do it."

Ann: "Scary then hope"

Martha: "Scary stuff, and I know many many people who have won the battle. I feel you and my brother Richard will be among them."

Dlynn: It is a dark cloud that follows me ...but I defeated it once and if it comes again I will stay faithful that I can beat it again if its in the plans. Amen." 
Then she added: "    My 5 yr post bone marrow transplant scans came back clean this month! So lymphoma is most likely a thing of the past....but there are possible consequences from treatment I have to be aware of. We all have to live each day fully no matter our health history. All our days are numbered. Even for those with perfect health."

George: "There is hope"


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